Summer is the perfect time to get a jump start on college planning. If you are a freshmen, start looking at your high school's graduation requirements and make a plan to not only meet them, but exceed them. Many students are surprised to find out that the requirements to graduate high school do not always match up with the requirements to get into college. In fact, the more competitive the college, the more work you need to put in going above and beyond in high school. Start looking at this now and make a plan to put yourself in a good position come senior year when you send that application off!
If you are a sophomore, make a list of prospective schools. Try categorizing them based on level of interest, difficulty to get into, and other factor that matter to you. If you can, visit some of these schools this summer to get a feel for how good of a fit it might be for you.
As a junior, it's time to get serious about this whole college admissions thing. By now you likely have an idea of what schools you are thinking of applying to. It's time to start writing that essay and rounding up letters of recommendation, Make yourself a timeline to get things done.
Remember, we are here to help! Guru Academic Advisors can help you with as much or as little of this process as you want or might need. Why not get started today with an investment in your future success?