Before you start totally freaking out, hear this: you can always change your major. However, not all majors are created equal, so choosing IS a big decision. The selection of your college major is a decision that warrants personal reflection and research. It amounts to a delicate balance between pursuing that which you are passionate about, but also that which you can make money with. We all want to move out of mom's basement eventually right? I know mom wants you to...
So how do you decide? You are young and surely have great hopes for not only your own future and success but also the way you personally can positively impact the world. You want to do your part to help humanity, sure, but it's also important you pay the bills.
Here's my advice: start with your interests - what do you think you will be happiest doing the rest of your life? Then do some research: what job opportunities are available to people graduating with that major? How much do people in those jobs make? Are you going to be satisfied making that salary? Is there room to grow? A great website to do this research is
If you find you are not happy with the job outlook for individuals in your field, then it may be time to consider a different major. Even though something seems like your heart's desire right now, keep in mind you are young, and making money is important as well.
If you want to read more about choosing a college major, try these websites for different perspectives:
Does the College Major Matter - New York Times
5 Ways to Pick the Right College Major - US News and World Report
Why You Should Choose a Major You Love - US News and World Report
How to Pick Your Major - Chegg Blog